Date: 2025-04-18
Paper submission deadline: 2025-03-28 23:59:00
Conference description:
We invite scientists, university professors and college teachers, school teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students and school students from grades 5 to 12 (with their scientific supervisors) and all those engaged in scientific research to participate in
The International Scientific Conference «25TH SATBAYEV READINGS», dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of Toraighyrov University
April 18, 2025
Venue: «Toraighyrov University» NJSC, Pavlodar, 64 Lomov str., MEB.
Conference format: offline.
As part of the conference, breakout sessions will be held among the following categories of attendees:
Based on the results of the breakout sessions, the winners will be selected; they will be awarded diplomas and presents, their scientific supervisors – letters of gratitude.
ATTENTION! No more than 2 (two) speakers are allowed to make 1 (one) report.
Following the results of the conference, conference proceedings will be published in an electronic format (PDF), electronic certificates will be issued to the conference participants.
Paper submission deadline: UNTIL MARCH 28, 2025 inclusive ONLY on website.
The conference is planned to consider topical issues of various branches of modern science in the following sections:
№ |
Section name |
Subsection name |
1. |
Energy |
Energy development |
2. |
Development of automation and telecommunications |
3. |
Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
The development of physics in the modern world |
4. |
Computer science research |
5. |
Current issues of mathematics |
6. |
Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Complex |
Biotechnology and agriculture products processing |
7. |
Innovations in crop production and forestry |
8. |
Innovations in zootechnology and veterinary science |
9. |
Public Administration, Business and Law |
Directions of development of the legal system |
10. |
Economics and administration in business and at the state level |
11. |
Current state of the financial system |
12. |
Architecture and design |
Innovations and technologies in the construction, building materials, architecture and design |
13. |
Modern Engineering Innovations and Technologies |
Modern engineering innovations and technologies in the mining and metallurgy |
14. |
Scientific and technical aspects of the development of the mechanical engineering industry |
15. |
Scientific and technical aspects of innovative development of the transport complex |
16. |
Scientific and technical aspects of the development of standardization, metrology and certification |
17. |
Current state, forecast and opportunities of the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan and world |
18. |
Natural Sciences |
Current issues of biology |
19. |
Modern approaches to health issues |
20. |
Ecology and nature conservancy |
21. |
Industrial safety at the enterprise |
22. |
Contemporary aspects of geographical research |
23. |
Tourism as a perspective branch in development of the country |
24. |
Current state and development prospects of chemistry, chemical and petrochemical industry |
25. |
Humanities and Social Sciences |
Russian philology |
26. |
Topical issues of Kazakh linguistics and literary studies |
27. |
Current issues of physical culture and sports |
28. |
Media trend and modern technology in journalism |
29. |
Current issues of philosophy, political science and sociology |
30. |
Cultural identification in the years of independence of Kazakhstan: continuity of traditions and innovations |
31. |
Topical issues of foreign philology, linguodidactics and translation studies |
32. |
History, local history, archaeology and ethnology |
33. |
Multilingualism as a trend in education |
34. |
Modern issues of education and upbringing |
35. |
Current trends in the development of psychological science |
36. |
Current problems in the organization of social work |